Frequently asked questions

What are Open Graph meta tags?

Open Graph is a set of meta tags that are used to describe a web page. Introduced by Facebook in 2010, the Open Graph protocol was designed to allow rich previews of websites, when shared across social media platforms. Since its introduction, the Open Graph protocol has been adopted by many social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and others.

My website was shared once before, and now my new open graph meta tags are not reflecting correctly on social media. What do I do?

You or your users might have shared one or more of your webpages across social media platforms. Once crawled, social media platforms tend to cache the url previews to avoid requesting the website more than needed.

If you wish for your website to be crawled again, you can do so by using any of the below official Open Graph debugger tools:





Inspect and Preview Open Graph Meta Tags on any website

by Apurva Mistry

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